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61-63 Dudley Street Wallan Victoria View Location

Family Information


Jobs for Families Package 1st July 2018.

Childcare Benefit and Childcare Rebates will be rolled in together to become Childcare Subsidy Payments.  The Government has provided a calculator so families can estimate what assistance they will receive after 1st July 2018.


Federal Government Childcare Subsidy Calculator

Centrepay is a bill paying service, free for Centrelink customers, through which deductions can be made from a customer’s payment directly to our Business. We have a minimum amount for payment using Centrepay- please speak to the Centre Director about this.

Does my child need to be immunised? YES 
Immunisation History Statements are available on request at any time by contacting Medicare:

  • By telephone on 1800 653 809
  • By email on
  • Online at
  • In person at your local Medicare service centre.

If you are experiencing difficulties accessing vaccinations or required related documents, please contact us for assistance as soon as you are able. In some cases children can commence at the service while the required documents are obtained.

Do I need to bring food for my child? 
We are a NO NUT and NO FISH Centre. This is because we have children and staff who have Anaphylactic reactions to these foods.
Our Food Policy excludes any food being brought into the centre .
All  the meals we serve are created  by our own cooks in our Kitchen at Dudley Street.
All of our Menus are assessed at least annually by the N.H.M.R.C. Dietitians to ensure we provide well balanced nutritious interesting meals for all ages.
We offer Breakfast, Morning Tea, Lunch, Afternoon Tea and Late Snack.
The only exception is for infants who may be on formula or breast milk, parents are asked to supply this in labelled bottles.
My child has special dietary requirements, do we need to bring food?
Not unless the food required is difficult to source.
When you enroll your child, we ask for details of any allergies.
All of our recipes have lactose, egg and gluten free alternatives- other allergies will need to be discussed with us so we can ensure that we are providing nutritious, balanced meals for all children in our care.
Do I pay less  if I leave my child for a few hours?
Our minimum time is: Half Day a.m. : 6:30 a.m. to 12:30 noon or part thereof OR
Half Day p.m.: 12:30 noon to 6:30 p.m. (or part thereof). We do not have an hourly rate.
4 year old Kindergarten children receive a fee subsidy from the State government for three Kinder sessions a week
(which is  a total of 15 hours Kindergarten in any one week).
Do I get charged for Public Holidays?
Yes. If  your child has a permanent booking on a day on which a Public Holiday  falls, the family will be
charged the normal fee.
However,  where possible , we do offer a swap day within the same week if there is space available
in the room which the child usually attends.
More information is available in our Parent Handbook which is available from the Centre on enrolment.